June 4, 2019 | news release

Jason Ayres appointed to CEO of Croft Financial Group

BY: Richard Croft
Richard Croft, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, is pleased to announce the appointment, effective June 1st, of Jason Ayres as Chief Executive Officer of R N Croft Financial Group Inc.


Richard Croft, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, is pleased to announce the appointment, effective June 1st, of Jason Ayres as Chief Executive Officer of R N Croft Financial Group Inc.

Jason joined Croft Financial Group in 2015 as a director, became a shareholder with greater than 10% ownership in 2017, and over that time has assumed progressively more responsibility in the key areas of business development and client and advisor relations. In his new role as CEO, Jason will now act as UDP for regulators and lead the Croft Financial Group management committee, reporting to the board of directors on all Group business matters.

You can contact Jason directly at 905-695-2320 and jayres@croftgroup.com.

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