online Investor Forms
Please use the appropriate link below
to complete the secure online forms.
KYC Update Questionnaire
Trusted Contact Authorization
KYC Update Questionnaire
It is important for us to confirm and update your financial circumstances and needs on a regular basis. All household members who signed the original Management Agreement (MIAA) with CFG must be sign this form.
This is to ensure that your investments with us continue to be managed according to your risk tolerances and objectives and that changes are made to your investment mandate as required if your financial circumstances or investment needs have changed. If you have questions regarding your investments with us at anytime, you can e-mail to request a conversation with your assigned Portfolio Manager.*Note – if your circumstances have changed, we will be reaching out to schedule a conversation soon.
Please follow the video instructions and complete the short questionnaire:
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Enter your email to digitally sign the document.
Check your inbox for an e-mail from Adobe Sign to confirm your identity.
Authorization to Communicate with a Trusted Contact Person
The Trusted Contact Person (TCP) is a resource intended to help your Portfolio Manager / Investment Advisor, or any other person in charge of managing your assets (Advisor):
- Protect your interests or financial assets in response to possible financial exploitation.
- Help your Advisor protect your interests or financial assets in
response to concerns about your mental capacity.
- Confirm or provide the name and contact information of your legal representative, in particular your legal guardian, the Executor/Liquidator of an estate of which you
are the beneficiary, or the trustee of a trust of which you are the beneficiary. - Validate and obtain your current contact information in the event your
Advisor can no longer reach you, especially after several attempts.
The TCP does not replace your Attorney appointed under a Power of Attorney or a Protection Mandate, nor does the TCP assume this role. The TCP also does not have the authority to trade in your account(s) or make other decisions on your behalf.
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Enter your email to digitally sign the document.
Check your inbox for an e-mail from Adobe Sign to confirm your identity.