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John C. Hood

B.A., M.A., FCSI

Portfolio Manager

John C. Hood is a seasoned portfolio manager with a notable career in the financial services industry. He first registered in the securities industry in 1980 and has amassed extensive experience in trading equities and derivatives. For sixteen years, Hood served as the President and Chief Portfolio Manager at J.C. Hood Investment Counsel. His academic credentials include a B.A. and M.A., along with three years of research towards a Ph.D. in military/defense policy analysis.

In his role as a portfolio manager, Hood has been focused on offering private wealth management services to a wide range of investors, with client portfolios typically ranging from $300,000 to $3,000,000. He emphasizes low-cost investment strategies, particularly through the use of exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and is committed to transparent and client-focused service. Hood’s approach is characterized by a fiduciary standard, ensuring that client interests are always at the forefront.

Hood has also contributed to the financial sector through frequent publications in the financial press, newspapers, magazines, and ongoing television appearances on BNN (Business News Network). Professionally, he is associated with PMAC (Portfolio Management Association of Canada), the Toronto CFA Society, and the U.S.-based CFA Institute as a non-chartered member. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute.

Hood merged J.C. Hood Investment Counsel with Croft Financial Group in 2023 and continues to manage portfolios for both his current and new clients. He celebrated significant milestones in 2023, including 12 years as a guest on BNN, 22 years as an independent portfolio manager, and 42 years in financial services. His insights and opinions on various financial instruments and market trends have been a valuable resource for investors and industry professionals alike.